The most important trading tips for beginners Forex market

Easy for you how much a novice trading in the Forex market to get lost your way or that chill, confusion or that weigh Be information Keeps the Internet for trading, and the best you can do is to

pause only, and learn
how to trade properly from a profession experts do not rush it
And ten the following tips for trading in the Forex market are things how I wished if someone told
 me at the
 beginning of me from trading, therefore, and put this into account, I'll tell you the most important ten tips should Debutante or any trader else that absorbed before it starts trading market person
1 - learn the basics first
A lot of novice traders trying to enter the market directly without real background knowledge about the markets in which they are trading in, you should in order to build a solid foundation for trading that the pause in learning how to deal with the Forex market (or any other market you trade in it) and you get a definite all know market terms etc ... before you start actually deepening and a study trading strategies
2 - Learn one trading strategy and stick to it
Changing the ways and methods of trading frequently is one of the biggest mistakes that I see novice traders are committed again and again, if you are using a logical and acceptable way, such as the movement of price My strategy, you must learn and master before really doing anything else, so if you move out of his way to the other because you think that you will find a magical trading strategy, then you simply go behind the false illusion of free thinking and common sense manner, and it will lose what you have money.
Are not also change the trading ways just because you suffered a few losing trades, any way will be a certain amount of money-losing trades during a certain number of successive transactions, and this is normal and part of the trading session, we must not allow deals losers that affect you much, then you need to enjoy the real severe discipline to master the steps trading.
3 - do not fall prey to deficit
Easy for you that you just get a feeling of helplessness for understanding the many information of various trading strategies and you are a trader, beginning, this happens with all of us at first, and easiest way to reduce the impact of those feelings or avoided altogether, is to find teach and learn trading on his hands and learn from their successes, and I have to provide all trading strategies me for you to Taatalmoha in trading the movement of the price cycle, and from my point of view the best thing is that You will find party from the rest of other ways, and forget all that I have learned from before, and you know from the beginning what I teach a new opportunity Then focus only where even really know what you are doing things from circulation.
4 - Do not panic when heading to the deal is going in your favor
This problem is really serious, because most traders, especially beginners Surprise or exaggerate their reaction at the first sign of change in the direction of the deal the movement down, and this problem appears more clearly in real trading on demo trading because of the different reactions among themselves, but it is a problem it is necessary response and her search for a suitable solution.
It is natural that there is a change in the direction of the deal to become the non-your favor, it has passed transactions where the price index approached by about 5 points of stop-loss point and then went in the end to achieve huge profits, if you have horrified and decided to close those deals before you do stop loss order, I did not only lose some money but I will lose a lot of profits as well, and this is the main reason for the need to leave room for your deals without interference from you and it does not By closing early for no other reason except that they are moved in the direction that is to your satisfaction.
In fact it is very simple that you set stop-loss order in a logical position and security (we'll talk about this later) and determine the size of the exchange center in order to be the dollar amount of risk in the amount allowed by losing limits, and leave the deal alone, it does not interfere in the small and large all, but paving the way for the movement of the market and go to spend some time playing golf or work out gym or went to sleep ... then you can check on the deal in the next day, the failure to carry out any change in the real trades is the best behaved in the habit (and most useful) in the sense that committed base "set and leave".
5 - focused on the price movement
Believe it or not, people in the past who were trading without computers, they know that it is hard to imagine, but that is the truth, how do you think they did this? It is clear that he was not with the help of "any RSS" index or "MACD" indicator or "stochastic" index or some automated trading programs ... I've been through the use of price movement, it was used to read the bar halls stock market prices or prices change was being circulated on large panels in order to be found and the interpretation of its significance, only they were doing the interpretation beyond the changes in prices or price movement, this method is the natural trading method only has appeared since the seventeenth century, when the Japanese rice traders invention of Japanese candles to predict the size of changes that occur on rice prices.
This method is effective, there is the complexity of the way your trade, The way I eat a unique trading the movement of price with me have succeeded characteristically, if followed what I'm saying to you in educational sessions and maintained entirely on the state of discipline and logical thinking as well as patience, it can also not succeed that way with you! There is no need for charts or accumulated on top of each filled mind and thought a package of highly complex and confusing news events or indicators, and since I do not use it then your you should not you also use them because they are a waste of time and mental energy and finally money.
6 - shown realism
Maybe that realism is the hardest thing but the most important for the trader Debutante, I regret, but I've got to tell you that, which is that you will not you leave your job and work on one of the beaches or swimming pools and calculates  will balance of $ 2,000, if were to tell you this on a sites or someone mention something like that, they should evade out of their hands because they are crooks or people do not have a clue about the truth of what they talk about.
Can you make huge profits from trading in the markets? Of course, certainly, and perhaps there is no other profession in the world have such a large amount of the possible rise in the value of the item, such as trading, but this success has cost prohibitive, the matter is not easy easy easy, at least not mentally.
You'll encounter all types of traps and mental errors lethal self-destructive along the way during the trading journey, and you will are no realism and work on a sound basis is what keeps you on the right track to achieve success in trading, if your eyes began to shine to see the dollars it is proof that you will excessive use of leverage financial (and risking a lot of money) and excessive trading with your account and lose money rather than to win a lot of money, and you're not trying to, of course.
7 - Do not you make a lot of trades
Slow and perseverance are the trading profit race, like this old saying, but I know it's true to a large extent, the accelerated pace of trading opens the door to a large crowd of emotional trading mistakes that will come to your trading account balance and the Spaatz yourself.
I have written many articles on this subject, and I know that for many of you this advice, unfortunately, will not you will find only after it is too late, but you are not need to do much trading to profiting a lot of money, and in order understand why more clearly, Arise access to This article titled frequent trading high pace compared to the frequent trading low pace.
8 - focused on trading using the daily charts
You should learn how to interpret and trading transactions strategy of price action on the daily time frame (Time Frame) of the charts before acting anything else, I will not Will benefit to talk about this topic here because I have many other articles that address this issue.
9 - Do not you place a stop loss very close to the opening price of the deal is
This advice task may require from most traders some time and a lot of money wasted even realize that, you must put a stop loss at a safe distance point away from the opening price of the deal, if you set its place in close proximity will be the deal closes automatically leads to loss before the market find a real opportunity to move in the direction of your own good, in other words the idea of ​​your position may be correct, but you are because of your position to point stop loss so close, it was close the transaction prior to the change that you are waiting for and expect.
10 - do not rush to enter the market without learning
They have my always surprise and puzzlement of the large numbers of people who want to risk their money in the market without any training or education to the method of trading, then after losing a bit of money later decide then to get some education, if it goes upside down, the matter like trying to fly the plane without Aviation study of one of the institutes so special and then the plane crash have put your life in real danger, and after going through all this then decided to enroll in a flight schools ... and a lot of traders who do the same with their trading accounts, so do not be one of them!
Provided the owner at the start of trading in order to learn, and learn how to trade properly before anything else and then the money will come to you, so do not try to fly the plane before joining the School of Aviation.

trading in the Forex market

"developmental relationship in which someone more experienced or familiar with the help of another
who is less experienced or familiar with it - and referred to as trainee novice or a boy under Exercise
 Even evolve its capabilities and production capacity to a certain extent.
The advantages of learning any skill or craft by one of the many tour coaches, and some of those benefits include:

Curve short learning dramatically, rapid completion of long-term skill or particular craft of the objectives, the low period of trial and error, to get more free time, increased focus on the most important aspects of the skill or particular craft, that the list of benefits that may be obtained from the use of one of the experienced instructors and credibility and know-how in any field countless, and in spite of that, it is not all the coaches of Trustees, particularly in trading the Forex market area, so when you search for the Secretary-coach in the Forex market
you should be looking for certain characteristics that make him his credibility
Valuable skill to learn at the hands of a trained guides
There are a few different ways in which we as human beings to learn a new skill or gain more knowledge, and one of those ways is self-education, where a lot of people to teach themselves how to play a musical instrument or how to cook, and usually people feel inner satisfaction all the things that they learn on their own, in the sense that they provide the person rolling internal sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, if our talents innate in certain skill sets us way teach ourselves the skills that our satisfaction more, the other way that learns humans through formal education, through public and private schools, and acquires this type of learning by receiving instruction by a qualified person to teach the scientific article in a particular topic, and as soon as we finish doing as much as enough of work in the training course on a variety of topics, we get a diploma or a university degree refers to Antenna a certain amount of knowledge to the field, and with the The degree that the university is not always synonymous with a certain skill-related industry.
It is acquiring a certain set of skills that would qualify an individual to work, whether employed within the company or self-employed, even if you have a university degree, most of the skills required for the job gained through hands-on training at the hands of someone who has the experience to your training to carry out the functions of a particular job trying to learn, The person who take care of you and train you to do a certain skill is a coach, and in general, the coach will train someone depending on your experience in this area, and this means that the coach has already been made to commit all the mistakes it may have any novice and he has learned hard lessons accompany any effort worthwhile.
What is the reason you need a coach to help you learn how to do trade
There are many mistakes made by most novice traders to trade the Forex market more than other areas, and usually end up committing a lot of the same mistakes over and over again, and thus by learning the trading difficulties in the Forex market at the hands of someone who may try to walk already on the way rugged that you should are used by all novice traders, and you can basically make your pursuit journey to success in trading the Forex market more easily a great deal for those who refused to train at the hands of a professional in the Forex market, if all trading errors in almost the forex market, which has been committed by lead to your loss of money, and this is a big difference from most other professions, and the reason you have a coach with experience and credibility in the field of trading the Forex market is extremely important to your success at work trader.
What were not rolling beginner college in trading the Forex market and this is the first day you read trading strategies, then realized no doubt that there is a sea of ​​information available associated with trading the Forex market and trading other markets that you should be absorbed, some of this information is of good quality, majority majority of them came from people seeking to achieve quick profits at the expense of less familiar with them people and they have aspirations to achieve gains in the market, the amount of trading information and different trading sessions offered for sale by questionable people in the documentation of their identity may already be extremely confusing for the new person relatively on trading in the forex market area.
If and therefore we were able to agree on, we will certainly benefit greatly, which teaches us to coach in the Forex market, then the next logical our step will search for a coach with experience and credibility, and would prefer that the person has practiced what he taught him to you, and provide support permanently, easy communicate with him either by phone or via e-mail, and the bottom line is that the person to achieve quick money seeks nor cares about his reputation or acting ethic would not have had any of the features already mentioned, so so us sink in what we should expect exactly from your coach in the forex market.
What should I be looking for in a trading coach
The first thing that should be on the coach to do is help the confidence in the trading method that teaching her to you Baked confidence is what is worth learning, so you can abide by and studied, it is clear that you want from Mubarak to trust completely in the way that teaching her to you and to be circulating active, and this is important because the coach said he could not describe the way you traded correctly and makes you you trust them to do exactly as is, this shows that it does not quite trust himself or the circulation through it.
The bright truth that unmistakable is that whether you are doing trading in the forex market or the stock or commodities, the trading is one of the most difficult endeavors to understand the difficulties of trading correctly, that a lot of so-called "Market teachers" or "trainers" do not do actual trading themselves, since that stopped trading and decided to walk in the easiest way, which sell things people do not believe they themselves out, if Mubarak in the current Forex market real himself, you will not find it difficult to discuss specific deals with you through e-mail, answer your questions and inquiries about certain trading models or to show their point of view in the current market.
The important question that should be asking on our trainers in the Forex market is whether they exercise what they teach him following us? Do they trade in the same way that they teach the people trading? The coach, who is providing a forum Trading discussions to patrons or daily comments on the market, where they provide you with visions and regular updates, something that should definitely be on any real coach that is doing, and this shows that they are currently active in the market and associated with him strongly, and any trader or coach his weight will provide this service or do similar things, the bottom line here is that any coach with the credibility and legitimacy in the Forex market will trade the same way as explained, if the strategy really effective and worth the education of others.
Next question we must ask ourselves is what kind of reputation enjoyed by teachers in the Forex market on the internet between the current and former trainees have? I should be looking for a coach and a person with high capabilities and has a good reputation in terms of dealing with the new traders, and not be delayed in responding to any inquiry for rolling.
at the end
We can not in fact emphasize enough the importance of looking for a credible and experience in the Forex market a teacher, there is a lot of misinformation in Forex, which may in fact be a daunting task when trying to separate the teachers real and the charlatans who seek to rob money from you the world, if In your teacher in the Forex market all the criteria that we have discussed in this article, then it is a real and legitimate and will probably help you to put your feet on the right path towards achieving steady income faster than if you tried to do it yourselves.